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If you’ve been running an online business in recent years, chances are you’ve heard the term “landing page.” 

Contrary to popular belief, a landing page isn’t your homepage. An effective landing page is a standalone powerhouse that specializes in converting site visitors into precious leads. 

Specifically, a landing page is where you direct potential customers when they click on a link promotional link embedded in your email or any other marketing channel. Once visitors reach the page, they’ll receive a prompt to exchange personal information for exclusive goodies. And since you’re supposed to attract each visitor, your landing page should never contain distractions (site navigation links, we are looking at you). 

While landing pages mean a lot to all companies, it’s a game-changer (as cliched as it sounds) for small businesses. Landing pages are a surefire way to send your treasured first-time audience right down the slippery slopes of your sales funnel — as long as you pay heed to some critical design elements. 

A Polished Headline 

What’s in a headline? Essentially, it is the core message you need to convert your visitor, conveyed with the fewest possible words. Try to limit your headline to five words (or ten words at max, but that’s pushing it). If you need to clarify your offerings further, use a sub-headline or the first paragraph of your landing page copy. 

For example, a headline could read, “Sign up for the Perfect Chatbot,” while your sub-headline follows up with “a revolutionary tool powered by the latest AI technology.” A lengthy headline will lose your visitor’s attention fast, so avoid it at all costs. 

Visuals Are Your Friends

Few people enjoy parsing through a wall of text. Your visitors are more likely to pass on a hot deal than comb through the jungle of words on a landing page. For the best results, add visuals to beautify your offer — anything from brand logos to graphics, videos, and gifs. Create a visual treat that gains attention immediately and make full use of white space. They offer visitors breathing room to ponder over the deal and let the details sink in before giving the go-ahead.  

Optimize Your Form

An incredible landing page for small businesses should cut to the chase. Specifically, use a well-vetted and concise digital form. Rather than asking for the moon, keep your questions practical/reasonable. If your business involves educational software for preschoolers, there’s no need to ask about dad’s position in the office. Keep your fields relevant, and visitors will be more willing to complete the form and give you that conversion. 

Don’t Forget the Buttons

Sure, underlined or emboldened CTA text might draw some attention. But if your small business aims to rally the crowd toward action - you’ll need some well-designed CTA buttons. Also, the CTA text plays a part in generating interest. You should avoid vapid, passive button texts like “sign up” for something more conversational such as “I’m up for it!”

Quality marketing for small businesses is all about visitor engagement, and stunning landing page buttons will do just that. 

Digital Rain Inc. — Landing Pages that Pop

You might come up with the most alluring landing page, but your efforts are in vain without a measurable system. With advanced platforms like HubSpot, you can monitor the effectiveness of your landing page conversions and justify that landing page ROI. 

If you dread content-building semantics and how to make your landing page work without copious risks, then Digital Rain has got the answers. Our talented and dedicated team has the experience and expertise to create an incredible landing page that evokes the spirit of your brand. That’s why 9 out of 10 unicorns choose Digital Rain for their branding strategies. 

So, let’s start the conversation for that conversion. Contact us to learn How to make a legendary Landing Page for your small business.
